
Top 10 Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

From time to time, every home needs a remodel. This is important to keep the home in good, functional condition but also to maintain or increase your home’s resale value. If you are looking into home remodeling near you in Thousand Oaks, read on for tips from RnD Builders, Inc. on how to avoid these top 10 remodeling mistakes.

Top 10 Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

Bad Budgeting

A good budget to keep in mind is 20% extra padding beyond the estimated cost. Renovations often end up being more expensive than originally planned for, which can happen for any variety of reasons. To make sure you aren’t caught by surprise, be sure to assume in advance that not everything will go exactly as planned.

Wanting Trendy Over Timeless

While trends come and go, some elements are timeless. If your home becomes too trendy, it may be more difficult to sell down the road. At that point, it may seem dated instead of trendy. To avoid this issue, talk to us for advice about interior remodeling in Thousand Oaks so we can help you plan effectively!

Choosing Fancy Over Functional

Although looks are important for expressing your personality through your home remodeling, you also want to think about how you will be able to use your newly renovated space! Your new kitchen or living room, for example, should be comfortable to spend time in. An interior remodeling goal should always be a good balance of form and function.

Choosing the Wrong Contractor

Not every contractor meets the high standards we have RnD Builders, Inc. It’s crucial to have a truly professional team to guide you through the remodeling process. At RnD Builders, we excel at making complex projects into a more manageable series of smaller tasks. Thanks to our people and procedures, we will exceed your expectations.

Having Unrealistic Time Expectations

Just as a home remodel often costs a bit more than expected, the timeline of a project can also be difficult to predict. A good building team will be there for you and will provide the best possible time estimate, but remember that things may not always go perfectly according to plan. Even small bumps in the road can add some extra time, and this is to be expected of any remodeling project.

Installing Poorly-Planned Lighting

Maybe you’ve got all your appliances, cabinetry, and future decor picked out. Have you given equal consideration to your lighting fixtures or how natural light will enter the room? Lighting fixtures are a great way to add personality to a remodeled room.

Choosing Low-Value Updates

If you are selling your home in the future, you want to do renovations that will add value. A common feature that adds value is increased storage space. This doesn’t mean you can’t have simply cosmetic renovations done – sometimes, an accent wall is just the thing you need! Still, it’s good to keep in mind that future homeowners may have different tastes. Everyone needs storage!

Not Buying Extra Supplies

It’s very common to realize you’ve run out of important supplies like flooring or paint! You always want to be sure to buy just a little bit extra. That way, if there’s a hiccup, you don’t have to wait for a new order to come in. You’re already ready to move forward!

Forgetting to Check Neighborhood Rules

Often, your homeowner’s association or neighborhood association will have certain rules about the exterior of your home. This may be especially true if you live in an area with a lot of historical significance, as historical commission regulations might also need to be considered. You don’t want to waste your time and money – check in advance if your desired exterior renovations are allowed!

Skipping Your Home Inspections

Before buying your home, you should consider all the inspections you’d like to have. This could include electrical issues, pest issues, roofing, plumbing, and HVAC, among others. This lets you know in advance what areas of your new home need more attention. Knowing what to expect in advance will save you time, money, and headaches for years to come!

Call Us Today!

If you are looking to get started on your remodeling project, reach out to the best home remodeling near you in Thousand Oaks option out there: RnD Builders, Inc. We’re happy and eager to help make your dream home a reality.